Sunday, May 20, 2012

Avengers and Kobolds!

So, since I missed updating last weekend, I'm going to post up both the Dire Avengers and Kobold Gougers today. ^_^

First up: Super Dungeon Explore Kobold Gougers

Not too much to say about the Kobold Gougers. Tried a couple of different colours to see which one I liked more. Still not sure on that. :D So I'll probably end up going half and half, the Spawn Points are different anyway. XD

Now, the Dire Avengers for Warhammer 40k.

Fun story behind these guys. I picked them up at a used miniature sell thing for 5$. I didn't realize until much (much) later that the guy had used Plastic Glue on them, so no luck at getting them taken apart to paint up properly.

So, I tried to paint them in my Craftworld's colours as they were and... Well, it didn't go so well. Too much in the way to get to details and such... But then I had an idea! I would paint them up as Wraithbone statues and use them as objective markers! Or terrain pieces! Or if I -need- to, use them as proper models!

Thus, the idea of an entirely Wraithbone army got into my head. It's a project that I'll continue to work on if I find cheap, used models. If I do then I'll probably go back and add some colour to a few of the soulstones.

Next Up:
1: ANIMA: Tactics - Lynn Steiner
2: Super Dungeon Explore - Glimmerdusk Ranger
3a: Super Dungeon Explore - Kobold Knuckleheads -OR-
3b: Malifaux - Mature Nephilim -OR-
3c: Warhammer 40k - Wave Serpent and Falcon

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