Monday, August 19, 2013

Gencon Report: Day 1 (Thursday)

Thrusday began with waking up and grabbing a shower, then heading out to the nearby mall to get breakfast and hunt for batteries. The only place open in the foodcourt was a Chik-Fil-A, and while I'm not a fan of the whole crap involving them/their ownership, I was hungry. No batteries were found, however.
Once sated with a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit I was off to wait for the vendor's hall to open! Unfortunately, I would not be able to procure a Gencon book/schedule/maps until the very last day, so I wasn't entirely sure if I was in the right place. Thankfully I found a sea of flesh waiting for doors to open and figured that this would be the place. It was, and I even got to watch the opening ceremony thingy, complete with amusing technical difficulties (I swear we watched those sheep talk about how evil the Gencon CEO was at least ten times..).

Behold the Sea of Flesh

Navi was chasing Link up and down the hall, demanding he listen.

The doors opened and every made their way to the vendor's hall. The first stop for me was the Wyrd Miniatures area, because I wanted Malifaux Second Edition, Nightmare Tara and Miss Step, damnit! I also grabbed the Neverborn Arsenal Deck and the fancy convention fate deck. :)
From there I made my way to the Cool Mini or Not booth to try and pick up a couple of Nyan Nyans for SDE and Candy & Cola for Relic Knights. I managed to get Candy & Cola, but apparently they sold out of their Thursday allotment of Nyan Nyans within the first seven minutes!
With my shopping done for the day I was off to the Miniatures Hall to meet up with Mason and friends, as well as to sign up for the Malifaux Achievement League. After getting a game in with Mason I did some demos (Evil Baby Orphanage, Showdown and Puppet Wars) before it was time for my first seminar of the day: Writer's Craft: Mystery vs. Confusion!

Puppet Wars!

Mad Scientist Rainbow Dash!

The seminar was pretty good and informative. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, or quite as helpful as I was hoping, but it was still worth the hour and the cost (which was free. :D ). After that it was back to finding and hanging out with friends for a while.
Eventually though, I went back to the hotel room to put away some stuff and then went to dinner with Templar and his brother. We went to a place called the Ram, which had really gotten into the spirit of Gencon by replacing their menu with a Warmachine-themed Menu. Now, I'm not a big fan of Warmachine and Hordes, but that was pretty awesome!

Unless this place is ALWAYS Warmahordes-themed..
Also, we saw a barmobile... That was... Odd.

This seems like an accident waiting to happen... (Alternately: Scottish Troop Transport)
Next, some more wandering, but not much, because Thursday April, Mason and I were going to the Glitterguild's Nerdlesque Burlesque. The show was awesome, and had both women and men performing. The routines included:
Star Trek Vulcan, who ended the show with the Vulcan hand sign over her crotch.
A Carmen Sandiego routine
Female Galactus
The main character from the Walking Dead (male) who ended his routine with a badge over his naughty bits.
A Catwoman
A male pony that pranced about the stage.
A magician who kept his clothes on.
A tribute to B-Movies
and others that I can't remember. Sadly, there were no pictures allowed.


  1. Oh, there was Delight/Delirium from Sandman (whom I only know about because of The Sims 2) and the Gremlin from the Twilight Zone. :D

    [this is April, BTW]

  2. oh, and the Firefly one.

  3. OH! I totally forgot about the Gremlin. That one was awesome as well. :D
