Saturday, August 25, 2012

SDE: Glimmerdusk Ranger

Muahaha. Glimmerdusk Ranger and a chest for Super Dungeon Explore by Soda Pop Miniatures. ^_^ Also done several weeks ago.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Anima: Tactics: Lynn Steiner

Whew! Finally got pictures taken of everything that I've done since the last update. I'll be posting them up every other day or so.

First up: Lynn Steiner for Anima: Tactics.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


... Will be coming soon! :D I've got quite a bit finished. It's just been a matter of getting a new space set up for taking pictures of the finished products. I've cleaned up an area though and it seems workable, so I'll be getting some new shots up soon.